Lee Chapman
Contact Lee Chapman
The Engine House
Royal Clarence Yard
Weevil Lane
Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 1AX
Royal Clarence Yard
Weevil Lane
Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 1AX
About Lee Chapman
What did you do before working with Boatshed?
I was the General Manager of a 50 bedroomed hotel owned by my family.
What do you enjoy most about working with Boatshed?
Flexibility of work to suit when I am available and variety of aspects to the business.
Are you a motorboater or a sailor?
A keen Cyclist, I live in Shropshire!
What was your most enjoyable boating experience?
Taking the helm of the Whitbread Yacht "Maiden" for my turn on the night shift across the Irish Sea.
by @@boatshedneil