William Alston
BoatshedContact William Alston
Royal Clarence Yard
Weevil Lane
Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 1AX
About William Alston
William Alston
Who is this chap?
Born and raised Shropshire, UK I had an upbringing intertwined with the nautical world with numerous sailing trips on a family Ketch 41 sailing boat, often visiting the Isle of Wight with the occasional call in at Faro, Portugal.
I am an incredibly keen photographer and I have a captured a number of maritime photography projects focusing on the physical geometries and textural elements that are unique to boating. Below is a small look into the most recent of these projects

My personal experience with boats
The most memorable boating experience for me has to be the brief restoration and subsequent sailing of a 1979, 27 foot Sloop Rigged Folkboat, around the UK's south coast, over the course of a week, with some members of my family. It was an experience I will never forget, likely due to the fact we ran aground off the Goodwin Shoals!

Before Boatshed
I have worked for a large portion of my life at a small country pub as a chef, where I have had the opportunity to learn a base set of transferrable communication and time management skills.
Working with Boatshed
Boatshed has shown me the way that a successful business should be. My role supporting enquiries always a joyful process to work through and as a platform its vast amount of content is organised in a highly effective manner.