56 point boat check
At Boatshed we are always thinking of ways to help people sell their boats more efficiently and providing a better service to both seller and purchaser.
In September 2014 Boatshed together with the Marine Inspection Association introduced a 56 point boat check, ‘Independent Pre-sale Assessment’ or IPA as a method of having a boat pre-surveyed before being put onto the market.
By utilising Boatshed’s IPA service, a seller greatly reduces the risk of a buyer being put off a boat after the full pre-sale condition survey has been carried out, and a buyer can avoid the wasted costs and inconvenience of travelling to view boats, which, on inspection, turn out to be a disappointment, or in poorer condition than expected.
In sales where IPA’s have been used, the buying process is considerably accelerated. For example, we sold a Beneteau First only 27 days after advertising her for sale with a new IPA; she had been languishing for sale for 14 months without much interest before the owner decided to remarket her with an IPA.
We also sold a steel river cruiser just 13 days after advertising her for sale with a new IPA. In both cases, the buyers interest in the boats was stimulated and hardened by the IPA - with successful outcomes for everyone involved.
- Provides opportunity for repairs prior to viewings
- Ensures that sale price accurately reflects condition of boat – no request for price reductions after survey
- Helps your boat stand out amongst similar for sale
- Saves buyers time when coming to view boats
- Should help shorten time boats are for sale
The cost of an IPA is keenly priced based on length of vessel;
- Up to 40 feet: £149
- 40 to 60 feet: £199
- 60+ feet: £249
(all plus VAT and mileage maybe charged)
All Boatshed brokers are members of the MIA and have access to MIA local surveyors.
If you are interested in an IPA, just contact your Boatshed broker who will be able to make all of the arrangements on your behalf. The vessel inspection and reporting process is quick and efficient, with IPA reports appearing alongside a boat’s details usually within 48 hours of an inspection.
If you would like to read more about IPA's please visit the Marine Inspection Association website.