Half way point nears at the Southampton Boatshow
There have been some sights this week at the Boatshed stand but the one that stands out are the Australian sailing fans rubbing shoulders with the local constabulary (and no-one was drinking officer...honest!)
The Boatshed team has been busy with boats - selling boats, demonstrating the website, partying with the stars, oggling the 45 footers and enjoying the sun.
The ever popular Fizz @ Five has seen the stand buzzing with people each night and the steady hand of the Boatshed Bottle Openers has been gradually getting stronger as the nights progress. We are well on target for our visitors to quaff 1000 bottles this Southampton Boat Show and we know it's hard work, but we're a dedicated lot. If you are coming down, come and see us at 5pm each night.
Several members of the team were invited to Dee Caffari's party aboard Princess Caroline which saw members of the press, friends and family celebrate the launch of her book 'Against the Flow'. Dee also kindly signed a book for Gwyneth Cross, the 100th person that we have referred to the RNLI which will be winging its way to Pembrokeshire shortly.
The Boatshed team are not only dedicated yacht brokers but several have other strings to their bows too. Both Boatshed Wales and Boatshed Portsmouth were presented with bottles of wine to thank them for their sterling work guiding their clients towards Craft Insure. All Boatshed customers can quickly see what the premium will be on their new pride and joy by clicking on the insurance link on the Boatshed home page.
And talking of strings to their bow, there is no truth in the rumour that the bandana that Neil Chapman wears around his neck is also used as a collar for his jack russells and we will come down strongly on anyone continuing to spread this malicious rumour.......