Southampton Boat Show BoatBid catalogue launched
BoatBid.com the online used boat auction supported by Boatshed.com has just launched the catalogue for their fifth auction. As usual we have a range of motor and sailing boats for sale in this auction which will run from the 12th to the 16th September during the first half of the Southampton Boat Show although as always the auction is online so you can be anywhere in the world and still bid.
All the boats in the auction are desperately looking for new homes, so if you see something you really like contact the broker and make an offer before the auction. If you offer a little over the starting bid price our owners are going to be very tempted to do a deal immediately and with boats like these you could get yourself a fantastic boat now and be able to enjoy those lovely autumn days out on the water.
Here’s a few of our favourites form the catalogue.
This David Thomas designed quarter tonnerreally appeals. We’ve sold a quarter tonner before through BoatBid so we know how much you love them. They are fantastic fun to race and the revival of the class has ensured that all the old ones are being dug out, spruced up and enjoyed but they also make brilliant fast cruisers for two, you get there quickly and the mooring fees aren’t huge so you win all round.
We love this Stunning 70 Luxemotor Style Dutch Barge. She is luxurious, only a few years old and pristine but her owner is very keen to sell her. You need to talk to our expert on canal, narrowboats and barges; Phil Bassett at our inland office Boatshed Grand Union. He’ll tell you everything you need to know about this gorgeous boat if the 40 photos of her haven’t convinced you.
But if you’re looking for something slightly smaller for inland waterways and rivers take a look at this Wooden Motor Cruiser. She’s been based on the Norfolk Broads all her life, she was originally built for Norwich Football club in the late 60’s and was used by the players for holidays on the broads so I bet she’s got a tale or two to tell.
There are other boats in the catalogue I’d love to mention like the 36’ Gaff Cutterand the really cute Gentleman’s Motor Launch but I’ve run out of time. The boss has said we can’t possibly add any more boats into the auction but I’ve just had a call from one of our brokers with a really exciting cruiser/racer sailing yacht to put in so I’m going to sneak her in and hope he doesn’t notice.