#Staysafe buying boats. Information for Buyers, Sellers and Brokers.
The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic requires all organisations to adopt safe practices for their activities, aimed at reducing infection rates.
Boatshed are actively working to support our customer needs responsibly, in safe environments, protecting the health and well beings of customers and our brokerage teams.
Our business practices aim to reduce social contact where possible and when customers and brokers need to meet, we aim to reduce any risk of infection. Please find further information below, relevant to selling and buying . These are in addition to the Boatshed standard boat sales process. See Boatshed Buying and Selling HERE
1/ Listing a boat for sale with Boatshed - #Staysafebuyingboats
We continue to, safely, support owners who wish to sell their boats. If you are listing a boat with us, these are our plans to make sure we work with you safely:
During the current restrictions most listing information can be taken over the phone or email and will reduce the risk of infection.
It would be helpful if your boat is prepared ready for photographs and video to be taken by one of our trained brokers, so that items do not need to be moved around the boat as media is collected.
If you are ‘vulnerable’or have experienced any coronavirus symptoms within the last 14 days, the advice is that you stay safe at home. In this case somebody else you know may be able to open your boat to provide access for a broker, or your meeting can be rescheduled.
If you do attend a listing with your broker, you are advised to maintain a distance of at least two metres from your Broker and any other person who may be present, to wash your hands before and after the visit and use an alcohol based hand sanitising gel during the visit, if appropriate. This is how our brokers will work with you.
2/ Viewing a boat with Boatshed (Virtual and Physical) - #Staysafebuyingboats
Please check with our broker that you have been able to view all of the information we have available for the boat you are interested in, before preparing to organise a viewing. You could, even in the first instance, discuss the possibility of organising a video viewing with one of our brokers.
If you are ‘vulnerable’ or have experienced any coronavirus symptoms within the last 14 days, the advice is that you stay safe at home and reschedule a viewing.
Wearing a pair of gloves is also recommended. Clinical gloves should be disposed of after every use and it is important to avoid touching your face.
You are advised to maintain a distance of at least two metres from your Broker and any other person who may be present, to wash your hands before and after the visit and use an alcohol based hand sanitising gel during the visit, if appropriate. This is how our brokers will work with you.
3/ Surveys of vessels - #Staysafebuyingboats
Usually vendors and buyers do not need to attend a survey. Access to the boat needs to be organised and our broker will advise the Marina / Yard / Storage facility of the survey. The surveyor should also contact the Marina / Yard / Storage facility to ensure they adopt any local practices that have been established for Coronavirus (Covid-19).
Surveyors should be adopting their own safe operating procedures and you should ask for a copy of these, for your own information.
4/ Seatrials of vessels - #Staysafebuyingboats
Before a sea trial is organised, our broker will check the guidance provided by the facility the boat is stored in and also the guidance provided by the relevant Harbour Authority and or Port Control for the use of vessels.
In attendance there may be the owner and or a skipper, the buyer and one other person and the broker.
If you are ‘vulnerable’ or have experienced any coronavirus symptoms within the last 14 days, the advice is that you stay safe at home and reschedule the trial.
You should wash your hands before and after the trial and use an alcohol based hand sanitising gel during the trial, if appropriate. If the location has publicly available hand washing facilities, our broker will direct you to them before and after the trial. Where hand washing facilities are not available an alcohol based hand sanitising gel can be used, if you are able to source it.
Wearing a pair of gloves is also recommended. Clinical gloves should be disposed of after every use and it is important to avoid touching your face. Wearing gloves does not remove the need to wash your hands.
5/ Handover of a vessel - #Staysafebuyingboats
This may include the Owner, Broker, Buyer and potentially other individuals. Brokers advise all parties of safe meeting practice according to infection control and social distancing procedures.
The Yard / Marina / Storage facility where the boat is stored should be contacted prior to the handover to check the organisation’s policy for public access and what expectations it makes of visitors.
If any visitor is considered ‘vulnerable’, they should stay safe at home.
You should wash your hands before and after the handover and use an alcohol based hand sanitising gel, during the visit if appropriate.
Wearing a pair of gloves is also recommended. Clinical gloves should be disposed of after every use and it is important to avoid touching your face.
A social distance of two metres should be maintained.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Advice and expectations for face mask use varies according to Country and you are advised to follow the guidance within your Country. Wearing a pair of gloves is also recommended. Clinical, nitrile gloves should be disposed of after every use and it is important to avoid touching your face. PPE, such as gloves, are in short supply and so if you are not able to source gloves or a face mask, any pair of gloves will act as a barrier and a scarf can be used in place of a face mask. Wearing gloves or a face mask does not remove the need to wash hands and maintain social distance.
Full details on the Boatshed Policy Coronavirus (Covid-19)
for Safe Business Practice can be found here HERE
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