Watch MIN/GMBA/PSP’s online seminar Export Insights: UAE

The third online seminar collaboration between Marine Industry News, Global Marine Business Advisors (GMBA) and PSP Logistics is now available to view.

In this comprehensive session, Mr Kai Malmivaara (GMBA) takes a look at the United Arab Emirates marine market and offers insights for those wishing to explore the opportunities offered by exporting to the UAE.

Malmivaara details the financial regulations within the UAE that make it more attractive to buy locally built boats, rather than import, and explains how these regulations impact the Emirates leisure marine market.

The online seminar was made possible by sponsorship from PSP Logistics. In the session Shaun Parsons, PSP director, describes how having the right paperwork and logistical support is integral to exporting success.

“The most important thing is to have a trusted agent in the UAE to help with the arrival of goods,” says Parsons. “It’s not an area that we have historically shipped a lot to, but we have started to ship a lot from the UAE, so we are actively working with dealers to make this process as smooth as possible.”

Both GMBA’s Kai Malmivaara and PSP Logistic’s Shaun Parsons are happy to take direct questions.