WINTER - Is your boat covered?
The recent cold weather snap has given us a sharp reminder that winter is finally on its way.
For some ‘boaties’ the seasons don’t make any difference to their boating habits and they’re out come rain, shine or snow. For others it’s time to pack the boat away and prepare her for the winter. This job is just as important as preparing her for a weekend away and looking after your boat will enhance her value when the time comes to part company.
As well as the usual jobs such as winterising the engine, topping up fuel tanks, removing sails and running rigging, many of us decide to place an all over cover on the boat. Covering a boat and keeping it dry protects it from rot as well as frost damage which can happen when water seeps into cracks and under fittings and then freezes. It also protects your boat from leaves, bird droppings, and other debris while it’s not in use.
If your cover has been customised by a specialist then it would have been made to measure in waterproof material and have secure fastenings to keep it in place. Always give it a once over before the winter months to ensure all fastenings are secure and there are no visible tears. If you are unable to repair it yourself take it to a reputable sail maker – Flew Sails is one of our Preferred Partners and would be happy to assist.
You may decide to use tarpaulin or maybe you have inherited a cover, they may not look as pretty as a fitted cover but can be just as good. Ensure you have enough fastenings to keep it secure, a strong wind can easily tear covers and rip fastenings. This boat is using a large cover which has been secured to the trailer, you can also see that it has been raised along the middle to prevent water collecting in the cover and stretching it.
This boat has a custom made cover, however the heavy rain has collected at the stern, stretching and putting extra pressure on the fastenings. This cover will need to be repaired before it will fit securely again.
Most marinas and yards will keep an eye on your boat through the winter and let you know if there are any issues. If possible try and visit the boat after high winds or heavy rain to ensure your cover is still in place. Just because you've wrapped the boat up doesn't mean you can forget about her!